Your 5 favourite agents of last week

Your 5 favourite agents of last week

Last week BestAgent launched the #bestagentiknow campaign to recognise all the great individuals in our industry, agents that go that extra mile caring and supporting their customers. We asked our followers to re-tweet our campaign using #bestagentiknow and name an agent with a short sentence explaining why.  Every day for the past week, BestAgent chose the best story of the day and sent a tin of chocolates to the winning agent.

BestAgent would like to thank all our partners, followers and re-tweeters that helped launch the campaign. We will continue nominating agents until Christmas and we hope we keep having your support.

Our Winners this week:

Perry Power from Power Bespoke in Reigate was nominated for being “customer focused”.


Jonny Allen from Ridley Thaw Resi in Manchester was nominated for being “Great at his job, and supporting and helping HeyLandlord consistently. A great partner!”


Murray Alan Lee from DreamView Estates in Golders Greens was nominated for giving its customers “outstanding service and being the No.1 agent in their area!”


Ryan Woolfenden from Leader and Co in Poole was nominated for being “the only other agent I know who is genuinely interested in educating sellers”.


Luke St. Clair from Knightsbridge Estate Agents in Leicester nominated for “Always working on improving and very generous with his time helping others.”


Kristjan Byfield from Base Property in London was nominated for being the best agent and best new dad too.


Congratulations to all the winners. Continue doing a great job!

Have a nice week everybody, and don’t forget that until Christmas we need your support for our campaign.