All Suppliers invited to first BestAgent Marketplace Supplier Workshop 26 June 2019
**Event now fully booked – Waiting list in operation**
BestAgent Marketplace is hosting its first Supplier Workshop on Wednesday 26th June 2019 at the Bicester Hotel and Golf Spa.
The free workshop event follows BestAgent’s announcement that it has completed construction of its Marketplace platform. Any supplier to the residential property industry who would benefit from offering agents easier, integrated access to their product should attend.
Who should come
Active supplier companies to UK residential sales or lettings agents, including startups with a live product (as long as it is at least in beta), are invited to bring no more than 3 people, and we recommend bringing one commercial, one technical and one sales and/or marketing attendee.
The purpose of the day is to ensure all suppliers have the relevant commercial, technical and promotional information. to understand how the marketplace works and connect their products.
Workshop Format followed by evening drinks
Cabaret seating at round tables, the workshop is intended to tackle the practical as well as technical questions of releasing an industry-first platform.
Morning Session
BestAgent agent functionality demo: Starting at 9.30am there will be a full explanation of BestAgent’s strategic, selective automation for agents which allows suppliers to have their products triggered automatically.
Marketplace presentation: With an understanding of the underlying agent functionality, there will then be a presentation on how the Marketplace will function with multiple connected suppliers.
Advance questions, especially technical, will be invited from confirmed attendees before the event. The most popular questions will be addressed as part of the morning presentation.
Connection Demo: The morning session will finish with a full start-to-finish demonstration of how a supplier can connect their product for live testing will be given by the BestAgent CTO.
After Lunch
Technical Talk for Developers, CTOs and IT Managers – Following the connection demo before lunch, the BestAgent CTO will host a talk specifically intended for coders and technical attendees to answer the most common questions on the technical approach.
Informal One to One workshops – BestAgent team members will be on hand to have individual discussions about specific supplier needs.
One to one Technical connection sessions – Any coders or developers in attendance who wish to begin the connection work on the day will be invited to do so (on their own lap tops), with BestAgent technical team in attendance to provide one-to-one assistance if needed.
Evening and overnight
The BestAgent team will be staying at the hotel overnight after the event and hope to have the chance to have a relaxed evening at the bar with any attendees who might like to stay.
We have negotiated a special room rate (including a free bottle of wine) for workshop attendees who may wish to stay overnight.
Coffee and biscuits will be provided in the workshop, and lunch is available in the Hotel restaurant and bar, including outside seating if the weather is good.
Register as a supplier for your invitation
If you are an active UK industry supplier, or startup with a product in beta, please register (free) as a supplier on our website at https://bestagent.partners
Once your registration is approved, you will be sent an official invitation to the email used in your registration.
We welcome all industry suppliers, especially CRM providers, and look forward to receiving your Marketplace Supplier registration application.

Suppliers at inaugural BestAgent Marketplace Conference