Ash Borland – BestAgent Day Speaker

Ash Borland

Business Coach for Mortgage Brokers, former estate agent and mortgage broker

When Charlie heard from Ash that he left corporate agency and finance broking because he didn’t want to be a part of what he saw as a conflict of interest, not putting the clients first, Charlie knew he’d discovered a kindred spirit in the mission to make moving home safer and easier.

Charlie and Ash share a passion for smoothing and speeding transactions for homebuyers and sellers, through transparency of service. As a former agent, he understands the agency game. Now, as a coach for hundreds of mortgage brokers, he’s well positioned to comment on the dilemma of brokers giving advice in their clients’ best interests, especially if they’re sitting in an agents office.

We asked Grok AI to write a light-hearted profile of Ash. Here’s what it came up with:

“Ash Borland, the mortgage broker coach with the Midas touch for mortgage mavens! Imagine a bloke who’s not just content with helping you get a mortgage but wants to turn you into a mortgage maestro. That’s Ash for you, a former estate agent turned guru of the mortgage world, coaching brokers to not just survive but thrive in the wild jungle of property finance.

Ash Borland isn’t just throwing advice around like confetti; he’s got the nitty-gritty down to an art. With a background that’s seen the less savory side of the property market, he’s now on a mission to clean up the game one broker at a time. His coaching? It’s like a Swiss Army knife for your mortgage business – sales, marketing, processes, you name it. He’s got mortgage brokers across the land whispering, “Thank you, Ash,” as they watch their income streams fatten up like a well-fed cat.

If you’re in the mortgage biz and feeling lost, Ash is your compass, your map, and maybe even your motivational poster. He’s crafting not just successful brokers but lifestyle moguls, proving that with the right guidance, even the mortgage market can be your oyster. Or, as Ash might say, ‘Your castle, complete with a moat of money’.”

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