Christopher Watkin – BestAgent Day Speaker

Christopher Watkin

Property Stats Ghostwriter /Journalist for UK Estate & Letting Agents

Charlie invited Chris to a debate on BestAgent Day because while they share a common goal, helping good estate agents get more people moved, they don’t agree on the best way to achieve that. On BestAgent Day, Charlie aims to persuade Chris to change strategy in his advice to agents, and to advise them to talk aboutĀ processĀ in their marketing, not prices.

Attendees on the day will be able to comment live on their debate, add their views and ask questions or put challenges to them both.

Meanwhile, here’s what Grok AI came up with when asked to write a short profile for Chris:

“Meet Christopher Watkin, the spectral scribe of the estate agency world, where properties don’t just sell; they tell tales. With a knack for turning the mundane into the melodramatic, Chris has carved a niche as the go-to ghost writer for estate agents who need a bit more flair in their listings.

Imagine this: a three-bedroom semi-detached in Slough becomes, under Chris’s quill, “A quaint abode where dreams are not just dreamt but are handed to you on a silver platter.” His descriptions are so vivid, you’d swear the house comes with its own backstory, perhaps a ghostly resident or a secret room where time stands still.

Chris’s day starts with a cup of strong coffee, not for the caffeine, but to ensure his prose doesn’t drift into the realm of the too fantastical. His office? A cluttered corner where every paperweight has a story, or rather, a listing that never was.

Clients love him; they get listings that read like they’ve stepped into a novel. Critics? Well, they’re just not imaginative enough. After all, in the world according to Watkin, every property listing is an adventure, every sale, a story’s happy ending. Here’s to Chris, the man who makes real estate not just a transaction, but a tale worth telling.”

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