Martin Stewart – BestAgent Day Speaker

Martin Stewart

Founder of London Money Mortgage Broker and Daily Telegraph columnist

Martin has been working in Financial Services for 35 years, with all the experience that brings. He shares Charlie’s view that transactions which get more people into homes are more important than investment returns, and that the rampant Buy to Let lending spree only served to deprive many first time buyers of homes by pricing them out.
Charlie first encountered Martin on Twitter because he stood out from other mortgage advisors in that he didn’t post endlessly over-optimistic puff about endless rising house prices.
On a serious note, Martin has major concerns about too many mortgage brokers not understanding the importance of advice that puts clients first.
Martin will be discussing the role of Financial Services in helping more people get into homes with Arjan Verbeek and Ash Borland, advising agents on their choice of mortgage broking partners.
We asked Grok AI to write a light-hearted profile of Martin. Here’s what it came up with:
“Martin Stewart, the financial sage behind London Money FS, isn’t your typical number-cruncher. Imagine a blend of financial wizardry with a dash of wit, and you’ve got Martin. He’s the kind of guy who could make a spreadsheet dance, but instead, he’s chosen to dance through the financial markets, guiding others with a flair that’s uniquely his.
Based in the bustling heart of London, where the city’s pulse beats to the rhythm of the stock exchange, Martin has carved out a niche for himself. His X profile? A treasure trove of financial insights served with a side of humor. He’s not just about the cold, hard facts; he’s about making finance fun. Whether he’s breaking down the latest market trends or sharing tips on how to make your money work harder than a barista in a coffee rush, Martin does it with a charm that’s both engaging and educational.
But here’s the kicker: Martin’s not just about the high finance. He’s equally at home discussing the best places for a London breakfast or pondering the philosophical implications of a good cup of tea. With London Money FS, Martin Stewart isn’t just advising on investments; he’s investing in a community of followers who appreciate a good laugh as much as a good return on investment.”

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