Richard Donnell – BestAgent Day Speaker

Richard Donnell

Research Director at Zoopla, Executive Director at Houseful

Of all the Housing Market commentators out there, none has more data at their fingertips than Zoopla Research Director, Richard.

When Charlie and Richard met, it was clear they shared a passion to find a way to improve the housing market for movers and agents alike, which is one reason why Richard kindly accepted the invitation to speak at BestAgent Day. Richard will be sharing deep data analysis to show how much overpricing kills transaction volumes, hurting all agents fee income.

Richard will be taking agents’ questions live on the day, so don’t miss your chance to put your burning questions to him.

We asked Grok AI to write a light-hearted profile of Richard. Here’s what it came up with:

“Richard Donnell, the affable Research Director at Zoopla, has been a cornerstone in the UK’s property market analysis for over two decades. With a career that spans from Savills to Hometrack, Richard’s insights into the housing market are as deep as they come. But there’s more to Richard than just numbers and trends; he’s a personality that brings warmth to the often cold analytics of property valuation.

A scroll through his X posts reveals a man who’s not just about market indices. There’s Richard celebrating many years of marriage with his partner, showcasing a life well-lived beyond boardrooms. His posts reflect a love for nature, suggesting that when he’s not predicting market shifts, he’s likely hiking through the serene valleys of Shropshire or the rugged beauty of the Peak District, finding solace and perhaps, inspiration in the great outdoors.

Richard’s approach to the property market, especially his advice during the NRLA Landlord Conference, highlights his pragmatic and reassuring nature. He encourages landlords to focus on the long game, emphasizing cash flow over fleeting house price spikes. This grounded perspective, coupled with his occasional musings on life’s simpler joys, paints a picture of a man who, despite his expertise in a high-stakes industry, keeps his feet firmly on the ground, or perhaps, on a well-trodden hiking path.”

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