Simon David – BestAgent Day Speaker

Simon David

CEO at multi award-winning conveyancer Thomas Legal, former estate agent and mortgage broker

Back in 2022, Charlie was so impressed by the operation at Thomas Legal that he selected them as his first exclusive legal partner for Moving Home with Charlie and BestAgent. In 2023, Charlie’s judgment was endorsed when TL cleaned up a raft of awards at the ESTAS awards for conveyancers.

In particular, Simon David is a real visionary, believing there’s no reason that, if movers are properly prepared, sales can’t be achieved in 7 days. As a former agent himself, he’s well qualified to run a business that requires cooperation with agents. A regular guest on Moving Home with Charlie giving live answers to legal questions on moving, proof of funds and property matters, there are few people expert enough to handle legal questions on live broadcast.

BestAgent and Thomas Legal will be working together towards delivering consistently faster sales for movers who originate from BestAgent Property.

We asked Grok AI to write a light-hearted profile of Simon. Here’s what the artificial intelligence came up with:

“Simon David, the affable boss of Thomas Legal Conveyancers, is the kind of chap who, if he were a character in a British sitcom, would be the one everyone turns to for advice, only to find out he’s just as muddled as the rest of us but with a charming way of making it seem like he’s got everything under control. With a twinkle in his eye, Simon has steered Thomas Legal to become a beacon of conveyancing excellence in the UK, much like how one might navigate a particularly tricky crossword puzzle—with flair and a bit of wit.

Simon’s approach to business is as straightforward as his love for a good cuppa; he believes in doing things right, the first time, every time. His office, a blend of modern efficiency and British charm, reflects his personality—practical yet with a dash of eccentricity. Colleagues often jest that if there were an Olympic event for dodging paperclip chains, Simon would bring home gold, not because he’s particularly adept at it, but because he’d find a way to make the whole ordeal entertaining.

Under Simon’s leadership, Thomas Legal has not just thrived but has become a bit of a legend in legal circles, much like Simon himself, who’s known to have a story for every occasion, usually ending with a laugh and a lesson on the importance of a well-timed clause in a contract. Here’s to Simon David, where conveyancing meets conviviality!

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