BestAgent is born

BestAgent is born

There is so much pressure to be the biggest, to be the market leading agent. Trying to be the biggest, to win the awards, to have the largest market share, takes a huge investment of time and money over a prolonged period, often without results.

But do any of these awards actually help the customer? Are they a guarantee that the vendors or landlords will get the best service for their personal needs?

Perhaps not.

Perhaps the best agent for an individual home seller or landlord is the agent who knows the most about the customer’s personal situation. Perhaps the best agent for a customer is the agent who owns their own company, has their name and personal reputation at stake, and is always at the end of the phone and available to meet in person when a client needs reassurance and help. Perhaps the best agent for an individual customer is the one who takes the time to get to know customers, creates a friendship, and becomes the only agent that customer will ever use in the future.

Perhaps the best agent someone can choose is the agent who does not strive to be the market leader; perhaps the best agent is one who is not the busy agent with the biggest market share, often too busy to return a phone call; perhaps the best agent is not the flashy agent with the awards in the window and the Porsche parked outside.

Perhaps you are the best agent for your customers. You know this, and your customers will know it.

Perhaps every agent can be the best agent, for their own customers personal needs. The best agents don’t need awards, they don’t need the biggest market share. The best agents only need to know that they have done their level best for their customers at a difficult and worrying time.

For a lot of people, moving home is not about the money, it’s about moving on with their life. You can’t put a price on the value of personal service. The best agents understand that, and in the face of constantly changing challenges, the best agents are always there for the customer.

Being the best agent you can be for your customers is hard, and that’s why we launched BestAgent.

Our promise is simple: Everything we ever do will save you time, money and make your life easier.

Welcome to BestAgent. We hope this is the start of something beautiful.