BestAgent Public House Price Index - BestAgent
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BestAgent Public House Price Index

for Sales and Rentals

We’re building a transparent House Price Index for buyers, sellers and renters to make moving home easier. We need your help to get as much data from the moving market as possible. Get started today by adding your price.

Add your price

Why are we doing this

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How it works

You’ll be asked a couple of basic questions about your current property, with no identifying data, and we then log your address and UPRN (unique property reference number) and its price data so we get a real picture of what people are paying in the market

Add Property Details

Tell us your basic property details like type and how many bedrooms you have so we can better categorise properties

Add Price Information

Add your exchange price or, if you’re renting tell us how much you’re currently paying per month

Monthly Publishing

We publish the data for your use (with no personal or identifying information) so you can see how much properties are really selling for

“We want to bring transparency to the moving industry for movers and agents. Our goal is to create a community-sourced, trustworthy, verifiable House Price Index of actual exchange prices verified by multiple sources.”

Charlie Lamdin

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