Campaign and year end update

Campaign and year end update

“There is so much pressure to be the biggest, to be the market leading agent and to be the agent with most awards.”

In our first blog story, we questioned whether awards and market share actually help the customer?

We concluded: Perhaps not.

BestAgent believes that these metrics are not what really matters to someone who is satisfied with a move. Rather, the best agent is the one who knows and understands its customer, who knows what the customer is going through, who is never too busy to answer a phone call, and who goes that extra mile to help the individual or family during an immensely stressful time. Moving home is inevitably difficult, and a good agent undoubtedly makes it a more manageable and less scary process. The best agents do not need impressive statistics, the BestAgent for you is the one who is most devoted to your life transition.

Two weeks ago we launched the #bestagentiknow campaign to recognise all the great individuals in our industry. We asked followers and partners to state the name, town and company of the person who for them is their best agent with a short description why. BestAgent chose the most impressive story of each day and sent a tin of chocolate to the winner.

The #bestagentiknow is not about awards. This is about thanking the heroes of everyday humans. Recognising that the best agent could be your unassuming yet knowledgeable and accessible neighbourhood agent who fights the hardest for you, in the most effective way for your situation. BestAgent wants to champion the hardworking people who make this industry great.

We will be off from Christmas but will come back after the New Year to share with you more tools to help you be the best agent you can be.

We want to give a special ‘Thank you’ to our followers, our partners; Agency ExpressAgent WowBriefYourMarketThe DepositaryFeefoGrowthtrackHeyLandlordLegal for LandlordsResiAnalyticsSignableValPal Network,  Yomdel, and Kremer Signs, our BestAgent users, and to everyone that contributed to the #bestagentiknow campaign. Without your support, this would not have been so much fun.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!