The biggest problem BestAgent Marketplace seeks to solve

The biggest problem BestAgent Marketplace seeks to solve


Moving: The Agent’s Nightmare

Moving is harder than it should be for all parties involved, especially agents.

This is surprising, given that all parties involved share a common goal: for the move to happen.

So why is it such an ordeal, such a gauntlet, such a nightmare?


Most vendors and landlords choose the wrong agent, first time

There are many reasons, but the single biggest reason is vendors and landlords choosing the wrong agent more than half the time, and having to switch agents.

This is the main problem (among others) that we aim to solve with BestAgent Marketplace. 

If more vendors sell with the first agent they instruct, then everyone wins, no exceptions. The vendor sells sooner, agents don’t have to shoulder the cost burden of lost instructions and will make their fee sooner, with a happier customer. No agent ever benefits from losing an instruction.

So why do so many homeowners choose the wrong agent first time?

It’s not overvaluing

It’s not because of overvaluing, even though this pervasive, necessary evil is counter productive for all involved,

It’s because there is no easy way to make a useful assessment of all available agents. This leads to vendors choosing three almost at random, or based on the agents website, or marketing, rather than the person involved. This often means that the vendors don’t particularly love any of the three agents they invite round, but rather than look for more, they will just instruct the best of the first three. 

How do we aim to solve this problem?

The Future of Agency is Personal

The future of agency is personal, rather than brand based. 

BestAgent are going to make it quick and easy for any vendor or landlord who wants to, to invite ALL their local agents to pitch their services, online. It’s up to agents whether they choose to respond to these pitch invitations, by video, audio or simply in writing. But we are hoping to promote the video and audio options, as these are more likely to result in successful personal choices being made.

So far, all efforts to improve moving have failed to make any meaningful impact. Some have actually made it worse. But the moving experience continues to get worse as successive governments pile on more red tape, the media keeps on reinforcing unhelpful and inaccurate clichés about agents, and over-valuing to win instructions continues unchecked, helping no one. 

Marketplaces work. They always have, where there is a genuine need to be met.

People don’t need help choosing a home, they will always do that one way or another. But they do need help choosing the right agent.

If sellers, landlords and agents can evaluate each other more easily, better choices and better relationships will result, helping everyone.

If you’d like to be involved and have your say in how this Marketplace evolves, please click here and come to your nearest BestAgent Marketplace conference.