Viewber is the latest supplier to sign as a BestAgent partner

Viewber is the latest supplier to sign as a BestAgent partner

Viewber, the 24/7 outsourced property viewing service, has joined BestAgent as a partner, to make it easier for agents to order Viewber services.

Viewber is one of the best innovations in the property industry for a long time, bringing genuine convenience to those agents who need to offer viewings in remote locations, or at difficult times. Viewings are the lifeblood of the agency business, and are the essential step prior to securing an offer on a property. Offering more flexibility and convenience on viewings can only improve the chances and speed of getting offers.

The problem of applicants wanting to view properties at evenings and weekends is as old as the hills, meaning that either agents have to work very long and anti-social hours, or applicants need to take time off from work to view.

Viewber’s service offers a great solution to this problem for agents who handle viewings in remote areas, or who have applicants wanting to view at difficult times when staff aren’t working, for example on a Sunday.

“We are genuinely thrilled to welcome Viewber as a BestAgent partner. Anything that makes things easier for agents and movers can only be a good thing. Viewber does exactly that. In 20 years I really can’t remember a better genuine innovation in residential property since the invention of the one stop photography and floor plan service.” commented Charles Wright, founder of BestAgent.

Once the Viewber online ordering process is integrated with BestAgent as part of the Marketplace, agents will be able to order viewings with a single click inside BestAgent.

Ed Mead, Viewber founder and Director said “BestAgent’s approach of offering a large number of small agents easy access to supplier services such as Viewber is a win for everyone concerned. Smaller agents often miss out on some of the advantages big agents have from a supplier perspective. BestAgent solves that problem by making it easier to access tested services. I’ve known Charlie Wright for almost 20 years and he has worked hard to make a difference in the industry.”

BestAgent’s Marketplace initiative, with 21 suppliers already signed and a supplier conference being held in London on 26 September, aims to give easier access for all agents to all suppliers, by creating a one-stop “department store” for agents to find everything they need.