BestAgent Day - 4th September 2024 - Get your invite - BestAgent
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BestAgent Day. A new movement begins.

A turning point in agency history.

**Update: Event Cancelled. All registration credits will be honoured**

Today's Early Registration Bonus Amount:

BestAgent Day

The formation of BestAgent. A new movement. Be part of it’s foundation.

The beginning of the end for overvaluing agents. The start of faster transactions. The creation of a transparent housing market.

Register today to get your invite and the latest updates on speakers and topics as they’re announced.

Register for free

Wednesday 4th September

Be part of the most important event in Estate Agency history: The formation of BestAgent, a change-movement for ethically-minded agents who want a fairer marketplace, faster transactions, fairer fees, and all the rewards of a better reputation.

  • How BestAgent ends overvaluing
  • Live debates (inc live audience Q&A) with forward thinking speakers
  • How house price indices are hurting transaction volumes, and how BestAgent changes that.
  • Old game, new rules. How to overcome the negative forces of corporate influence.

Stand apart from low-quality agents, overvaluing and long lock-ins. Distance yourself from the industry’s bad reputation.

Apply for Founder Membership. When accepted, display your badge of integrity proudly, showing yourself at the forefront of the drive for a better housing market, and receive BestAgent profit-share payouts for the life of your membership.

Register your free attendance now to lock in your bonus and get your access link.

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Event Headlines

An all-day, live, interactive private estate agency online conference

Hear BestAgent’s plan for a fully funded organisation to give good agents control of their businesses.

Industry specialist speakers discussing sensitive issues affecting agents

Live audience Q&A with any speaker or panel debate throughout the day

Take part in the creation of the greatest agency organisation in UK agency history

Overvaluing: The addictive disease killing the industry and transaction volumes.

Hourly ‘check-in’ to claim attendance bonus of up to £1,024


We have passionate speakers from the agency, lending, and legal worlds speaking on long term fixes for the moving and housing markets.

In addition, BestAgent’s founder Charlie Lamdin will be presenting BestAgent’s full plan and vision in detail.

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Conference Topics

BestAgent’s plan to permanently change the current power structure in agency

How to end the portal cartel

How brand new mortgage products could help fix housing

How agents can use conveyancing intelligently to transform their business

Ending Overvaluing before it puts any more agents out of business

Giving all good agents more control of their businesses and futures

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 Launch Incentives

Early Registration Bonus (up to £1,300)

Event Attendance Bonus (up to £1,024)

Unlimited BestAgent Signup Referral Bonuses

BestAgent Club Founder Member Early Sign-Up Bonuses

BestAgent Club bonus credit multiplier (up to £24,000 per agent)

BestAgent Club Founder Member Lifetime Profit-Share Scheme

“We want to bring transparency to the moving industry for movers and agents. Our goal is to create a community-sourced, trustworthy, verifiable House Price Index of actual exchange prices verified by multiple sources.”

Charlie Lamdin

Help us build our Index