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Suggested Email Template for First Time Buyers making an offer (with a mortgage)

This suggested email template is free for anyone to use, at your own risk and discretion, in part or whole as a base from which to send your offer in on a home you have viewed and decided you’d like to offer on.




It is intended to give you the best possible chance of having your offer accepted, whether you are the only person offering, or you are one of many people making competing offers.

It sounds formal, but it’s not a legal document. It’s intended to lay your position out very clearly, manage expectations and minimise the chances of avoidable fall-throughs. It does not make you legally liable for anything, (except perhaps if the seller agrees to the suggested point in italics where you each agree to cover 50% of the other’s direct costs if either of you withdraw because you changed your mind).

Remember: Sellers are seeking certainty as well as price. The objective of your offer email is to make your offer the most compelling, most credible and most attractive offer, over and above the financial offer amount itself. You want to show seriousness, preparedness, and above all proceedability.

This email is designed to make agents say “These guys aren’t messing around, they know their stuff!”

Making your offer by email is preferable than doing it over the phone or in person, for several reasons, including the fact that it makes it easier for the agent to communicate it to the seller without missing out any of the points you are including.

You do NOT need to explain your offer. No one cares why, they only care how much and what you are offering. No one will be offended, and if they are, they’ll get over it.

Agents won’t stop showing you properties if they believe you are a serious buyer, even if your offers are low. Your low offers can be helpful to agents in their efforts to get sellers to reduce unrealistic asking prices.

To be able to use this template, you will need to have:

  • Already obtained a mortgage or decision in principle – you can get one from my hand-picked independent mortgage broker partners here:
  • Have indicative (but not yet legal) proof of your deposit fund availability, eg a screen shot.
  • Already selected a conveyancing firm (you can talk to my award-winning conveyancing partners here:
  • Understood why you will need a Property Search Pack to proceed, and be ready to order it immediately if your offer is accepted. (you can do so here
  • Made up your mind that you are happy to proceed if your offer is accepted. (Many people have their offers accepted then find they don’t want to proceed anyway)
  • Taken care to determine your personal maximum offer amount for the particular property, taking into account any maintenance and repair costs that may be necessary.

Suggested Email Template:

(here’s a google doc version you can use to copy and paste)

Subject Line: (First and Final) Offer for the x-bed flat/house on [full property address inc flat number, street number and postcode]

Dear [Agent name],

Subject to ((lender’s) survey and) contract.

Firstly, please acknowledge receipt of this offer by return, and confirmation that you have communicated it to the property owner as soon as that has been done.

I/we would like to make an offer to purchase the above property. If the offer is accepted, I/we can proceed with the transaction immediately, starting with ordering the property search pack on day 1, to help reduce delays to the transaction time.

Please find attached:

  1. A copy of the mortgage lender’s decision in principle confirming our funding source.
  2. [Document/screenshot] confirming the source of our deposit funds.
  3. The name and contact details of the Conveyancing firm who I have instructed to represent me in this purchase.

Please find the details (and conditions) of my/our offer below:

Offer Amount: £xxx,xxx, subject to survey and contract.

This is not an ‘opening bid’. I am /We are serious about my/our intention to purchase this property, so we have bid the maximum comfortable amount for the circumstances and in the prevailing market conditions. If this amount is not acceptable, I/we will respectfully discontinue my/our interest in this property and continue my/our search elsewhere. I/We hope this saves both parties any wasted time.

Requested Timeline for a response: [7/14/28 days as appropriate to your circumstances]. If I/we have not had a decision by the close of business on [insert date], then the offer will be automatically withdrawn. This is to allow me/us to continue our search for a home and be able to make other offers without being unreasonably delayed by third parties.

I/We will undertake not to make an offer on any other home during this time, although I/we may continue viewing other homes unless we receive an acceptance of the offer. Please assume I/we will be continuing our search elsewhere until I/we have had positive confirmation of this offer being accepted.

I/We reserve the right to withdraw this offer at any time (until acceptance as described below) in the event I/we wish to make an offer on another home elsewhere without delay.

Target exchange date:

In the event the seller fails to be ready to exchange contracts for any reason by [insert reasonable cutoff date, typically at least 6 months from offer acceptance] we may begin searching for alternative homes as a backup in the event this transaction fails.

[Suggested request, entirely optional] 

If the seller withdraws from the transaction through a change of heart or circumstances, after our transaction costs have started to be incurred, we would request their agreement in advance that they would cover 50% of our direct transaction costs (invoices provided), eg conveyancing, any surveys, as a sign of their equal commitment to the transaction. 

This may not be a deal-breaker, but would need to know of any reason why they wouldn’t want to agree to this.

We would be willing to offer the same in return: In the event we withdraw from the transaction through a change of heart (as opposed to circumstances beyond our control, eg lender refusal, poor survey results, or the seller not meeting the agreed target exchange date) then we would be willing to cover 50% of the seller’s professional costs directly incurred as a result of this failed transaction.

I/We will cease viewing other homes if and when:

  1. This offer is accepted, AND
  2. The seller confirms they have instructed a conveyancer (if they haven’t already) and shared their contact information, AND
  3. A Memorandum of Sale has been issued.

I/We hope the owner of the property finds our offer acceptable, especially our wish that both parties show equal commitment to the transaction.

IWe look forward to your immediate acknowledgment of our offer by return, and subsequent confirmation that it has been communicated in full to the owner.

Best wishes.

[Your name/s]

Email ends.

Remember, double check you have been through every line, deleted I/We and me/us, my/our as appropriate and filled out:

  1. The full property address in the subject line
  2. The offer amount
  3. How long you are prepared to wait for an answer (7, 14 or 28 days)
  4. The precise target exchange dates as appropriate
  5. Anything else you need to that I have forgotten to mention!

What you send is down to you. I only hope this suggested template was helpful. Good luck!

Charlie Lamdin  – 9 Nov 2023